We hand-pick the most highly quality technical interpreters.
The oil and gas industry is one of the most important parts of the world’s economy, and we understand that miscommunications can be extremely detrimental to your business and trade. Because of the enormous demand, the industry is also spreading to new parts of the world, and hence into hubs of new cultures and languages. This is why we only provide you with interpreters who are familiar with and experienced in your industry, along with the necessary fields of business, economics, and law. We guarantee the accuracy of your communications so you can rest assured that language barriers will not cause problems in your business.
Our technical interpreters are experienced in various fields within the industry, including but not limited to:
- Mining
- Construction
- Drilling
- Health and Safety
- Pipelines
From business meetings to conferences and presentations to simple communication with employees and clients from other parts of the world, we provide technical interpretation services for any situation you may run into. In addition, we provide language services in more than 135 languages, so whatever your needs, we can help you achieve your goals.
To receive a free quote within 30 minutes, please click here or give us a call at 720-938-7441.